Couples therapy &
intimacy coaching.

For couples ready to deepen their connection,
ignite their passion and cultivate lasting love. 

Couples therapy &
intimacy coaching.

For couples ready to deepen their connection,
ignite their passion and cultivate lasting love. 

Love, passion, trust, and connection.

Are you tired of feeling lonely, disconnected, and sexually frustrated in your relationship? Do you long for the intimate partnership you once had?  

I am her to guide you through restoring your connection, rekindling the spark, and creating sexual intimacy that is truly satisfying for both of you.

Interested in transforming your relationship for good?

Let’s take the first step towards a more fulfilling connection together and  reach out for a free, no strings-attached discovery call today.

Who is Couple's therapy & intimacy coaching for?

Finding yourself stuck in a cycle of constant arguments can be incredibly draining and disheartening. It feels like no matter what, within minutes of coming home from a long day at work, you and your partner are locked in another heated disagreement. The topics may vary- from the children, finances, household chores to issues with the in-laws- but the frequency is steadily increasing, leaving both of you feeling worn out by it. Breaking this pattern of poor communication and recurring arguments is becoming increasingly important.

Being in a sexless relationship can be incredibly distressing. Especially if it’s a stark contrast to when you first met, where you were unable to keep your hands off each other. Over time, the passion faded, which seemed normal at first. However, now it’s been months, or even years since you’ve made love. Apart from the occasional peck on the cheek, intimacy seems non-existent. Even when you manage to go to bed at the same time, which is rare, neither of you takes the initiative anymore.

The partner who used to initiate intimacy has stopped trying after too many rejections, leading to feelings of anger, frustration, and desperation. That partner might even wonder if the other person still loves them.
On the other hand, the partner who has lost their libido wonders why they no longer feel aroused. They feel guilty and broken and fear for the future of the relationship.

Because you still love each other, you stay together. Maybe the fact that you have a house, or children together also plays a role. But you are not happy in the relationship. Without intimacy, the relationship feels hollow and lonely. Both of you yearn to recapture the intimate connection you once had but have no idea how to get there.

Experiencing a mismatch in libido can be like navigating a tricky dance where both partners have lost sync. In the beginning, you were perfectly in step, unable to keep your hands off each other. But now, one of you is always ready for intimacy while the other feels their desire has taken an indefinite vacation.

It’s not just about the lack of sex; it’s about the growing emotional distance. The partner with the higher libido starts to feel rejected and unwanted, leading to frustration and self-doubt. Meanwhile, the partner with the lower libido is overwhelmed with guilt and confusion, wondering why their body isn’t responding like it used to.

Nights pass with one partner yearning for connection and the other feeling pressured and anxious. You long to reconnect and rekindle the passion and intimacy but are unsure where to start, fearing that the love you share may not be enough to overcome this challenge.

Discovering that your partner has cheated can be utterly devastating, ripping apart the very fabric of trust and security in the relationship. The betrayed partner is left grappling with emotions such as shock, disbelief, heartbreak, and profound sadness. Questions swirl incessantly: Why did they cheat? Was this the first time? The pain is visceral, accompanied by a heavy weight of betrayal that settles deep within the soul.

Meanwhile, the partner who strayed is also navigating a tumultuous emotional landscape. They may be overwhelmed by feelings of guilt, shame, and regret, grappling with the realization of the damage they’ve caused.

In the wake of infidelity, the future of the relationship hangs precariously in the balance. What might follow is a journey of introspection, forgiveness, and healing, with no easy answers and no guaranteed outcome. By talking honestly, showing genuine remorse, and committing to change, couples can start rebuilding trust.

Your sex life may be okay, but it’s been the same old routine for years. You both know what to expect, and while the sex is regular, it’s starting to feel a bit dull. Isn’t there more to it than this? Couldn’t it be more thrilling, pleasurable, and satisfying? You’re craving excitement and adventure, but you’re not sure where to begin.

Do you have to open the relationship up? invite others into your relationship? Experiment with toys or explore Tantra-based sexuality? Perhaps you consider sex parties? The possibilities are endless. You both know it’s time for a new chapter in your sexual relationship but you’re at a loss for how to kickstart it.

When you suffer from illness, severe stress, or pain, physical intimacy is often the last thing on your mind. When this persists for what feels like an eternity, guilt starts to creep in. You can’t help but feel like you’re letting your partner down, like you’re failing to meet their needs, and it eats away at you.

Meanwhile, your partner feels increasingly lonely and overburdened. They ache for the intimacy you once shared, but it feels like a distant memory now. Attempts to broach the subject only lead to frustration and a deep sense of helplessness.

Despite these challenges, you both long to find a way to weather the storm together. To reconnect on a deep level. This is not just about sharing your innermost thoughts, feelings, and fears—it’s also about expressing them through the language of touch and closeness.

Experiencing premature ejaculation can be deeply distressing. Within seconds of penetration, or sometimes even before, you find yourself ejaculating, leaving your partner disappointed and you filled with guilt. You can’t help but wonder what’s wrong with you—isn’t ejaculating so quickly abnormal? The more it happens, the worse it seems to get, leaving you feeling hopeless and desperate.

When you masturbate, you seem to have more control but during penetrative sex, you simple can’t seem to last longer. It’s a frustrating and disheartening cycle that leaves you longing for more control over your ejaculation, not just for yourself but also for the pleasure of your partner.

The good news is that with open communication, practice and the right support, ejaculation problems can often be resolved. The first step is to acknowledge that there is a problem and the willingness to look for a solution.

As soon as he enters you, the pain sets in, making each encounter uncomfortable and distressing. Sometimes it starts off okay, but after a few minutes, the pain becomes unbearable. Instead of expressing this, you find yourself silently hoping for a quick orgasm on his part, just to bring an end to your discomfort. You may even resort to faking orgasms, knowing it will hasten his climax and relieve you of the pain sooner.

Amid this struggle, you feel broken and alone. You hesitate to communicate your pain to him, fearing it might hurt his feelings. You convince yourself that it’s not so bad, rationalizing that sex (especially penetration) is an integral part of a healthy relationship, right? Yet, you can’t ignore the fact that you’re becoming less and less interested in sex, even finding ways to avoid it altogether. The prospect of finding pleasure in sex again feels like a distant dream.

But there is hope. With open communication and support, you can work together to address the pain and find solutions that bring back a fulfilling and enjoyable sex life for both of you.

If you’re experiencing other relationship problems beyond those mentioned above, you’re also very welcome to reach out for a free discovery call. During this call, we can discuss your unique situation and determine whether I am the right person to support your relationship.

The result of couples therapy & Intimacy coaching?

By the time we wrap up our coaching journey together:

You’ll have gained insight into:

The underlying feelings, behaviours, and triggers of your arguments and effective ways to address them.  

Your role in the dynamics of the relationship, both positive and negative. 

Strategies for fostering safety and cultivating mutual understanding within the relationship.

Both of you have learned:

How to effectively connect and communicate about your desires and boundaries. 

Techniques for handling conflicts calmly and repairing the relationship afterward.

How to have physical intimacy that feels truly satisfying for both of you.

Together, you'll experience:

A profound sense of connection, where both partners feel truly seen, heard, and understood.

Increased relaxation, trust, and joy as you navigate and resolve relationship challenges, strengthening your bond.

A sex life that is infused with excitement, novelty, and a renewed sense of passion.

Together, these transformations will lead you to a relationship filled with joy, intimacy, and lasting love.

Are you ready to embark on this transformative journey together and elevate your relationship to new heights of fulfilment and connection?

Here are some elements that might be included in intimacy and relationship coaching, always customised to your specific needs:

Understanding your relationship 

Together, we’ll uncover what makes your bond unique, addressing the challenges and celebrating the joys. Dive into your feelings, desires, and the dynamics that shape your connection.

Connect and communicate.

Discover the power of genuine connection and effective communication. Through effective and practical exercises, you’ll learn how to express your needs and desires openly and authentically. Strengthen your bond by truly understanding each other on a deeper level.

honeypot meditation

Looking back to go forward.

Every relationship carries its share of past wounds. Let’s heal together. Address past traumas, forgive old hurts, and grow closer than ever before. It’s time to leave the past behind and embrace a brighter future together.

Building a Vibrant, Lasting Connection 

imagine building the relationship you’ve always dreamed of. Together, we’ll create a vision for your future and take steps to bring it to life. Feel the excitement of rediscovering love and partnership and nurture a connection that lasts a lifetime.

Exploring intimacy

With trust and understanding as our foundation, we’ll explore new levels of physical and emotional intimacy. With home assignments, so you can play and experiment in the privacy of your own home, you learn new tools and techniques of lovemaking. These are based on the latest Western science and Eastern knowledge (Tao & Tantra).  

Lasting love

The tools and practices that we use in our sessions are yours to keep for a lifetime. Experience the joy of sustained transformation as you reconnect, communicate, and grow together. Say goodbye to stagnation and hello to a relationship filled with love, passion, and endless possibilities.


Real, lasting change takes time and dedication, which is why I exclusively offer tailored packages rather than single sessions. Each package is custom crafted to address your unique desires and needs in the realms of intimacy and your relationship. With a step-by-step approach, we embark on a transformative journey together, ensuring that you receive the comprehensive support and guidance needed to achieve meaningful and sustainable change.

A good start

5 Sessions of 75-90 minutes per session..

Unlock a €50 Discount with one-time payment

• Duration: between 5 and 10 weeks.

Personalized exercises between sessions.

• Including 21% VAT for private individuals. 

€ 925

Going deeper

9 couple sessions of 75-90 minutes per session. 

• 4 individual sessions of 60-75 min.

Unlock a €75 discount with one-time payment

Personalised exercises in between the sessions. 

Plus: 2 ”SOS-sessions” of 30 minutes and WhatsApp support in between the sessions.

• Including 21% VAT for private individuals. 

€ 2250

Bespoke relationship intensive: tailored exclusively for you.

from 4 hours to 5 days

• Immersive private retreat: Dive deep into key relationship topics such as:

Rebuilding Trust After Infidelity or enhancing intimacy and Connection.

• Including 21% VAT for private individuals. 

From € 1000

Frequently asked questions

If you’re experiencing recurring conflicts, communication problems, a lack of intimacy, or dealing with stressful events like infidelity, illness, or loss, intimacy and relationship coaching can be a game-changer. Even if your relationship is generally good, but you want to enhance specific areas, such as your sexual connection, Intimacy and relationship coaching can provide incredible benefits.

This process not only addresses and resolves existing issues but also helps elevate your relationship to new heights, fostering a deeper bond and a more fulfilling connection. Investing in coaching with me means investing in the long-term happiness and health of your relationship.

Traditional relationship coaching focuses primarily on resolving conflicts, improving communication, and strengthening the emotional bond between partners.
Intimacy coaching, on the other hand, aims to enhance both physical and emotional intimacy, helping couples improve their sexual wellbeing and pleasure. Many couples who seek my guidance desire a deeper emotional and physical connection.

We begin by enhancing communication and emotional intimacy, which provides a strong foundation for improving your sex life. This combined approach offers a comprehensive method that revitalizes your entire relationship, leading to a more profound and fulfilling partnership.
By choosing this path with me, you’re committing to holistic and lasting transformation in your relationship.

No, you don’t have to although most couples I work with want to also discuss their physical intimacy. However, we usually start with creating safety and connection before delving into the topic of sexuality.

This gradual process ensures that you feel comfortable and supported, allowing us to address your concerns at a pace that feels right for you.

No, absolutely not. While we may discuss your sex life in detail if desired, these conversations are always conducted fully clothed. There will never be any sexual activities performed by either you or me during the sessions. Any sexual exercises will be assigned as homework to be done in the privacy of your own home.
Both options work well, depending on your preference and ability to visit my office in Amsterdam. I have successfully helped clients online from various locations, including Sweden, Germany, England, Spain, Bali, and the USA. Whether in-person or online, you can expect the same level of support and transformation.

I work in Dutch or English.

A session takes 75-90 minutes.

While most sessions include both partners, our longer packages, such as the 3-month package, also incorporate individual sessions.
These individual sessions offer a deeper exploration of specific issues and desires unique to each partner.

The number of sessions needed to observe improvement varies depending on factors such as the duration of the relationship problems, the desired goals, and previous efforts to enhance the relationship.

We begin with 5 sessions, during which most couples experience renewed hope and recognize the potential in their relationship.

A 5-session package is €925, with a €50 discount if paid in full upfront. In the Netherlands, these costs are not covered by the Dutch health insurance. However, coverage may vary in other countries.

In support of the work you do in our sessions, we decide together at the end of the sessions what steps to take or practices to do that best support your process. This is also a great way to integrate our sessions.
The aim of this ‘’homework’’ is not to overwhelm you. The aim is to gently make sure that your progress continues outside of our sessions resulting in maximum improvement.

I believe that small changes result in lasting transformations. However, I also belief that without some discomfort, chance and growth will not happen. Again, this is something we decide together.

In principle, we meet every week or every other week, depending on your specific situation and preference.

No, unless we have previously worked together and you want to come for a “refresher” session.

For new clients, I only work with packages. This is a conscious choice. Real, lasting change takes time and dedication. Each package is custom crafted to address your unique desires and needs in the realms of intimacy and your relationship. With a step-by-step approach, we embark on a transformative journey together, ensuring that you receive the comprehensive support and guidance needed to achieve meaningful and sustainable change.

It’s not uncommon for one partner to feel hesitant about seeking help, but it’s crucial to explain to your partner why reaching out is important to you.

Perhaps you’re feeling lonely or unhappy in the relationship, or you’ve noticed a decline in libido or intimacy.
Explain that continuing like this may lead to further disconnection and dissatisfaction. It’s worth asking your partner whether they are truly content in the relationship or if there are areas that could be improved?  While investing in intimacy and relationship coaching may seem daunting, the benefits are significant – a chance for a better relationship characterized by relaxation, deeper connection, enhanced intimacy, and, if desired, improved sexual satisfaction.

If your partner is concerned about the cost, it’s understandable. However, it’s essential to recognize that intimacy and relationship coaching is an investment in your shared future. By participating, you’re investing in the wellbeing and longevity of your relationship.
To address any hesitations, suggest participating in a free discovery call. This 30-minute session provides an opportunity to explore the benefits of therapy without financial commitment.

Tao and Tantra are spiritual paths that emphasize deepening connection, including within a sexual context.

Tantra encompasses all facets of life, including sexuality, while Tao focuses on allowing sexual energy to flow freely throughout the body. Both practices can enhance intimacy and facilitate ecstatic sensations during sexual experiences.

It’s worth noting that Tantra-based practices don’t have to be super spiritual. They can also serve to enhance closeness and sexual satisfaction, without this aspect.

For those interested in exploring these paths further, recommended readings include “The Multi-Orgasmic Couple” by Mantak Chia and “Urban Tantra” by Barbara Carrellas.”

Yes! Everything discussed in the sessions is strictly confidential. I adhere to the guidelines of the NOBCO and legal requirements to protect your privacy.
Possible outcomes include better communication, a deeper connection, more mutual understanding, and better sex.

I create a space where you can openly and without judgment explore and express your wishes, needs, and desires.

Everything, including all your thoughts, feelings, emotions and sensations, is welcome in our sessions.
I ensure there is plenty of space for humour and lightness in our sessions.
People of all ages, gender identities, sexual preferences, and cultural backgrounds are welcome.

Choosing to work with me means benefiting from not only my extensive professional training but also from my firsthand experience of navigating the complexities of a long-term relationship.

Having been with my Irish husband, Justin, since 2005, we’ve encountered and overcome our fair share of relationship and sexual challenges, allowing me to truly understand what it takes to sustain a lasting connection and keep the spark alive.
In my sessions, I use a wide range of practices and techniques, tailored to your individual or relational needs, ensuring that each session is unique and focused.

My holistic approach integrates the latest (neuro)scientific insights on relationships, connection, attachment and sexuality with Eastern practices based on Tao and Tantra. What sets me apart is my ability to apply this knowledge in a practical, no-nonsense manner, grounded in real-world effectiveness.

– Sex, Love, and Relationship Coaching according to the VITA METHOD by Layla Martin.
Somatic Experiencing® at Somatic Experiencing International.
– The Developmental Model by The Couples Institute.
– Various courses by Esther Perel.
– Clinical Therapist Training IMAGO (IMAGO UK) – expected to complete this training early
– Somatic Attachment Certificate at
– Tao Tantric Arts by Minke de Vos and Shashi Solluna.
– Coaching training at Nonons.
– Mediator training at Merlijn.
– Various Qi Gong teacher trainings.
– Former corporate tax lawyer and mediator.