Demystifying Tantra: A path to deeper Intimacy, connection, and sensuality for modern couples

Demystifying Tantra: A path to deeper Intimacy, connection, and sensuality for modern couples

In my work as an intimacy and relationship coach, I blend the latest (neuro) science around intimacy, connection, and sexuality with the ancient knowledge from the East. In my opinion, this is a very powerful addition to just the Western approach because this approach offers a profound and holistic view that fits seamlessly with our modern quest for deeper connection, fulfilment, and growth, both individually and in our sexuality and relationships.

I am talking about Tantra – a practice often associated with spirituality and esoteric rituals, but one that holds profound potential for enhancing the connection and passion between partners, regardless of their beliefs or backgrounds. This mystical art form has captured the imaginations of many but remains shrouded in misconceptions and mystery for others. After reading this blog, you will understand what Tantra is and how it can contribute to re-building the sexuality in your long-term relationship.

Wat is Tantra

At its core, Tantra is not merely about sexuality or sexual practices. It is a holistic approach to life that originated in ancient India thousands of years ago. It encompasses various techniques, philosophies, and rituals aimed at uniting the individual with the divine, embracing all aspects of existence – including sexuality – as sacred and interconnected. 

Contrary to what many people think, Tantra isn’t solely reserved for or practiced by yogis or mystics living in remote ashrams In India. Its principles and practices can be applied by anyone seeking to deepen their connection with themselves and their partner, fostering a greater sense of intimacy, trust, and pleasure within their relationship or their sexuality.

How Tantra can enhance Intimacy and sexuality:

Mindful presence

In a world full of distractions, Tantra encourages couples to cultivate present-moment awareness during intimate encounters. By slowing down and savouring each sensation, partners can deepen their connection and experience heightened pleasure.


Breath is seen as the bridge between the body and the mind, and in Tantra, conscious breathing techniques are used to channel sexual energy throughout the body, leading to expanded states of pleasure, arousal, and ecstasy.

Sensory exploration

Tantra invites couples to explore their bodies and senses with curiosity and reverence. Through touch, taste, smell, sound, and sight, partners can awaken dormant sensations and discover new pathways to pleasure.

Emotional connection

Tantra recognizes the profound link between emotional intimacy and sexual fulfilment. By fostering open communication, vulnerability, and empathy, couples can create a safe space for deeper connection and exploration.

Transcending ego

For some people, Tantric lovemaking can become a sacred offering where egos dissolve, and partners merge in ecstatic union. By surrendering to the present moment and releasing attachment to outcome, couples can experience profound states of bliss and oneness.

Tantra for Down to earth People

It is understandable that some people are reluctant to delve into Tantra because of the image that it is ‘’Woo Woo’’. I understand, as a former corporate Tax lawyer I fully relate. I used to be one of those people. 

However, the practice of Tantra can be very grounded and practical. Tantra offers effective and practical tools and exercises that can help you experience more awareness, connection, and joy in your daily life, both in and outside the bedroom. By being open to new experiences and exploring Tantra without judgment (or as little as you can manage from moment to moment), you might experience a deeper connection to yourself and your partner. 

Tantra based practices do not have to be a spiritual path to all that practice them. For some, Tantra is simply a tool for deeper connection and better sex with their partner and that is totally ok!

Practice: Eye Gazing

Eye gazing. This practice is both based on neuroscience and Tantra. 

If you are curious to try, I invite you to find a quiet space where you won’t be interrupted, sit facing each other, and gaze into your partner’s eyes without speaking. Allow yourselves to sink into the depths of each other’s gaze, witnessing the essence of your beloved without judgment or expectation.

As you maintain eye contact, synchronize your breath, inhaling and exhaling in unison. Notice any thoughts or emotions that arise and gently return your focus to the present moment. Allow yourselves to become fully present with each other, embracing the intimacy and vulnerability of this shared experience. Know that nothing needs to happen. You do not have to experience a big rush of love, you might experience emotions coming up. Or not. You might start to laugh. Allow that to happen. 

Welcome everything that want to happen from moment to moment. Also, see if you can be present with yourself while you are gazing at the eyes of your partner. Can you focus with 50% of your attention to your partner and with 50% to yourself? Try.

Eye Gazing can be a profound catalyst for deepening emotional intimacy and cultivating a sense of connection beyond words. It’s a simple yet potent practice that can be integrated into your daily routine, serving as a reminder of the connection inherent in every moment shared with your partner.

In Conclusion

Tantra offers a pathway to profound transformation and deeper connection within long-term relationships, transcending barriers of belief and spirituality. By embracing its principles of mindful presence, sensory exploration, and emotional connection, couples can unlock new realms of intimacy and ecstasy in their shared journey of love and exploration.

So, whether you’re a sceptic or a seeker, know that Tantra is not reserved for the select few – it’s a universal path open to all who dare to explore the boundless depths of love, pleasure, and spiritual awakening with an open heart and a curious mind.

I hear repeatedly from my clients that Tantra brought them more connection to their body, their pleasure, and their inner calm. Personally, embracing Tantra-based practices has greatly improved my sex and intimate life. Instead of rushing through, it’s become more aimless and slower, allowing us to be fully present with every sensation from moment to moment. This approach has deepened our connection, making each touch, kiss, and caress more meaningful. By focusing on being in the moment and truly experiencing each other, we’ve found a new level of satisfaction and intimacy than we ever thought possible.

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